Oxygenating Face Massage Cream 增氧面部美白按摩霜

Oxygenating Face Massage Cream 增氧面部美白按摩霜

Oxygenating Massage Cream is super rich in vitamins and minerals leaving skin nourished and hydrated. It contains essential oil complex extracted from natural flowers and fruits, to improve blood circulation when massaged consistently and brightens the complexion.
增氧面部美白按摩霜含有丰富的维生素和矿物质,令肌肤得到滋养和滋润。 它含有从天然花卉和水果中提取的精油复合物,可在持续按摩时改善血液循环,并使肤色更亮。
500g / 500克
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